14 Feb. 30 Years SIGOS with ADIL KAYA Posted at 16:20h in Business, Mobile by Bülent Bayraktar Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren SIGOS celebrates the 30 years anniversary. Adil Kaya celebrates 30 years at SIGOS. Adil Kaya ans SIGOS say „thank you“ to each and every one for the trustful cooperations within the last 30 years. >> IMPRESSIONS OF SIGOS‘ 30 YEARS PARTY Tags: 3GPP, 5G, Data-Avalanche, digitization, ETSI, ETSI Headquarters, IoT, LTE, OTT, SIGOS, standardization, Standards, testing