27 Sep. In Memories: Tuncel Kurtiz and Tarık Akan. Great actors with great movies of World Cinema.
September memories are awakened ...
September memories are awakened ...
"Topal Şükran'ın Maceraları" (Die Abenteuer der hinkenden Şükran) OmU Fr, 21.08.2020, 20.30 Uhr, Einlass: 19:30 Kulturwerkstatt auf AEGIm Anschluss Gespräch mit Adil Kaya Festivalpräsident des Filmfestivals Türkei Deutschland Ein ausdrucksstarker Film mit außergewöhnlichen Bildern, der ganz ohne Dialoge auskommt. Regie: Onur Ünlümit Demet Evgar, Ayşe Melike Çerçi,...
Adil Kaya: It seems we see here a new type ‘boast’ which is bigger than great boast of the original producers…...
Digitization is also one of the topics at the International Film Festival in Adana, the home city of the Turkish Cinema legend Yılmaz Güney. The digital world has enabled the film industry as well as film artists huge opportunities to produce the movies faster and cheaper,...