27 März „Reliability, Now More Important than Ever“
Nowadays, we can recognize a huge increase in respect for research and especially, science. As we all know, one of the fundamentals of science is doubting and questioning. But for this, we simply need testing. Unfortunately, the recent events demonstrated the importance of “testing & monitoring” for taking actions or measures against problems. This has been displayed to all of us on a global level by the COVID-19 virus. All countries with a culture for active testing and monitoring are seemingly able to keep the health of humankind and the economy under control, while somewhere else the virus has broken-out, causing huge damage on their well-being and respective economies.
More testing, more control, less cases, slower outbreak, less suffering.
A big lesson for humankind.
Another lesson we learn these days is the essential role of telecommunications in our lives, which is now getting more transparent. It is not an exaggerated statement to say that communication technology is a kind of “oxygen” for people worldwide.
Keeping the availability and the quality of network services at the highest level is one of the major obligations for all of us dealing within the telecommunications market. Business continuity in these days is much more important than ever before.
I am proud to say that the entire SIGOS team, in more than 30 countries, is healthy and working with full dedication and highest motivation to provide you all the top level of network service quality and availability: Worldwide on all of our platforms and for all of our services. SIGOS puts the highest priority on our customer services, platforms, as well as on our product road-map. Furthermore, our experts are preparing these days additional solutions for all service providers in order to assist you with more testing & optimization (say also checks & balances). They will come back to you in few days to help you more in this effort.
I am very confident that in our entire society of telecommunications, we all take care after the health of our teams to ensure the continuity of communication as an essential part of human life.
Because of this, we have decided to postpone our famous SIGOS Conference which was scheduled for July 2020. Further communication will follow.
Last but not least, reliability is needed now more than ever. You can rely on SIGOS‘ business continuity for your own business continuity and, finally, for the continuity of human life.
Kind regards,

Adil Kaya
PS: “Testing is our Competence” : Our timeless company slogan for decades… And the future.